Oguaamanhen Issues Warning Against LGTBQ+ Activities Ahead Of 2023 Fetu Afahye | General News

Oguaamanhen Issues Warning Against LGTBQ+ Activities Ahead Of 2023 Fetu Afahye | General News

The traditional ruler of Cape Coast, Oguaaman Traditional Area, Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II, has cautioned against any form of same-sex activities in Cape Coast during the upcoming 2023 edition of the Oguaa Fetu Afahye.

In a news report by 3news.com, Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II highlighted that in the previous year’s festival, there were instances of inappropriate behaviour of this nature.

However, he stressed that for this year’s festival, security personnel will be prepared to take immediate action by arresting and prosecuting individuals involved in such activities.

The Oguaamanhen gave this warning ahead of the commencement of the festival scheduled to kick start on Friday, August 25, 2023.

“Those involved in alleged LGBTQ+ wanted to join the celebration, but we don’t encourage that. We shall not accept it here, and the police are on standby to arrest anyone who would indulge in it,” the Oguaamanhen said in Twi.

He emphasised that legal measures will be applied to address anyone apprehended in such actions, and he urged people to refrain from engaging in them.

The Paramount Chief also utilised this opportunity to advise the youth partaking in the festival to avoid involvement in violence or behaviours that are detrimental to society.

He recommended that the youth should celebrate responsibly, as any inappropriate conduct could tarnish the festival’s reputation.

“To the youths, they should celebrate, but it should be in moderation because if those who will come and celebrate with us see these things, they go with bad names. Enjoy, but there should be a limit. We want decent dressing, and the police will be around to arrest those who will do these and other acts that do not auger well for society,” he said.

Discussing the tourism potentials of the Oguaa community, Osabarima highlighted the numerous opportunities present in the area.

He stressed the significance of safeguarding these resources and underscored the region’s unparalleled tourism.

“There are many tourism potentials in Cape Coast, and it is important for the people of Cape Coast.

“We are protecting it. Tourism here is unbeatable. The first Methodist Church is here. The first Anglican Church is here. The Cape Coast Castle is all here, and the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) is with us as well. They have been supporting us in diverse ways,” he explained.

The paramount chief stressed that this year’s festival has been dedicated to education since it must be improved.

The festival’s theme, ‘Celebrating our educational institutions for advancing education in Oguaa,’ aims to spotlight the critical role that schools in Cape Coast play.

“Schools in Cape Coast have brought us a good name; our schools are chosen more than any other part of the country. They come through me and others, and these schools are established everywhere, both local and international, so we shall look at the role of schools in the life of Cape Coast,” he noted.

He continued to say that “We expect the school to parade with us…to show the importance of education.”

Source: Ghanaweb.com



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