‘The Truth Will Come Out’ – COP Alex Mensah After In-Camera Sitting | General News

‘The Truth Will Come Out’ – COP Alex Mensah After In-Camera Sitting | General News

Commissioner of Police George Alex Mensah has assured that the truth will come out of the ongoing parliamentary probe into a leaked tape in which he and others are discussing means to oust Inspector-General of Police (IGP) George Akuffo Dampare.

Speaking to journalists outside Parliament on September 13, 2023; he stressed that he was very happy with the processes thus far.

“I have told you that I don’t want to speak on it. They’ve not even started yet (receiving evidence). I told you I don’t want to make any comment on this issue… I will insist on it that I am not going to make any comment on this issue,” he tried to rebuff journalists.

Pressed on how comfortable he was with the process so far, he replied: “Very very happy, very very,” before adding that the committee should “expect solid evidence from me, everything is ready.

“I will only tell you that everything is ready and that’s it. The processes, everything is going on well,” he reiterated before confirming that the committee has taken a break and that October 2 is the return date.

Pushed further for his message to Ghanaians, he retorted: “The truth will come out.”

COP Mensah and Superintendents Gyebi and Asare are the trio accused of plotting Dampare’s removal from office, all three sat through a September 12 session where the IGP responded to some allegations made against his person and leadership.

They were present at an in-camera sitting on the 13th, which Dampare was absent from.

The committee has since announced that hearings will begin on October 2, 2023 and will be held for five straight days then the committee with begin work on their final report to The House.

Source: ghanaweb.com



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