Police And Trades Union Congress Deepen Ties For Effective Collaboration In Maintaining Law And Order | General News

Police And Trades Union Congress Deepen Ties For Effective Collaboration In Maintaining Law And Order | General News

The leadership of the Police Service, as part of its continuous engagement with stakeholders at all levels across the country, met with officials of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) on 27th September 2023.

The meeting which took place at the Trade Union Hall, Accra, was aimed at fostering closer collaboration between the Police Service and the TUC.

At the meeting, the Inspector-General of Police Dr. George Akuffo Dampare highlighted the significance of incorporating the concerns and insights of all stakeholders into the Police Service’s operational strategies in order to align policing efforts with the broader needs and aspirations of all.

Some members of the Police Management Board (POMAB), took turns to speak on key issues such as Management of Public Order Events, the General Security Situation in the country, Strategic Interventions implemented by the Police Administration to enhance our operational efficiency, Security preparations towards the Christmas and the New Year festivities as well as Elections Security Management.

On their part, officials of the TUC commended the Police for the historic engagement, noting that it was the first of its kind in the TUC-Police relationship over the years. They gave the assurance of their continuous working partnership as part of their civic responsibilities in the maintenance of law and order in the country.

Some members and representatives of the various unions present at the meeting used the opportunity to commend the Police, expressed their concerns and asked questions on general Police operations.

In his closing remarks, the Secretary-General of TUC Dr. Anthony Yaw Baah applauded the current Police leadership for its commitment to ensuring professionalism among its personnel and reassured to partner the Service in building a good working relationship.

Source: Peacefmonline.com



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