EPA Reshuffles Western Region Director And Others After Quarry Explosion | General News

EPA Reshuffles Western Region Director And Others After Quarry Explosion | General News

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has undertaken a major reshuffle exercise including a transfer of the Western Regional Director and others after the quarry explosion in Shama last Sunday.

A letter dated Wednesday, September 13, 2023, signed by the Executive Director, Dr Henry Kwabena Kokofu, a copy of which has been seen by Graphic Online has asked the Western Regional Director to move to Accra for re-assignment.

The Central Regional Director is to take over responsibilities in the Western Region. 

Other regional directors including the Ashanti Regional Director have also been reshuffled.

The Ashanti Regional Director has been moved to Accra.

Meanwhile, the EPA in collaboration with the police have mounted a search for the co-owner of the quarry which exploded in Shama last Sunday.

The other owner, said to be a Chinese national, who was reportedly at the site at the time of the incident is said to have died in the explosion.

Through the assembly member of the area, the EPA has been able to speak to some workers who said they were not on the site at the time of the incident and added they started working in the company not long ago.

They have however provided the telephone numbers of the co-owner, a Ghanaian national, who is reportedly in Accra.

According to the Executive Secretary of the EPA, the police, EPA and Minerals Commission officers were able to reach him on phone last Sunday but his telephone lines have since gone off and has not been seen.

Source: graphiconline.com



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